The 25th Annual Goat Field Day will take place April 24, 2010, at Langston University beginning at 9:00 a.m. (registration 8:00 a.m.). It is a one day event with numerous meetings and discussions including Dr. Frank Pinkerton, probably the most well-known and highly respected goat expert in the world. He's not only knowlegable, but entertaining at the same time. According to the Langston University,
"... Frank was reassigned to develop the International Dairy Goat Research Center. He recalls that the interview for the new job was very short. The Dean asked him if he knew anything about dairy goats; yes, he said, they were those funny little cows with two tits. Close enough, said the Dean, and so it was that The Goat Man came to be. In '83, as the result of a bureaucratic political shuffle, he relocated to Langston University in OK, to do extension work in dairy, Angora, and meat goats. He retired in '93 to raise meat goats in east TX and do consultant work in goat management and marketing in TX, NY, VA, NC, and LA."
There will be instruction in Famancha, trimming feet, body scoring, parasites, vaccinations, disease control, disposal of dead animals, cheese making, and even goat packing.
It is a little pricey, $10 per person if you want the goat barbecue for lunch. Otherwise, it fairly affordable with free registration. Don't think free means it isn't worth trip, just the opportunity to sit in a meeting with Dr. Pinkerton is more than enough to make us go.
If you want to find out more, call Dr. Terry Gibson, another respected authority on goats at 405-466-6126 or go to
The field day is centrally located and guaranteed to be worth your time!!